Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Buddy Photos

Created with flickr slideshow.

Today Galloway's buddy groups took photos all over campus. Take a look at how much fun they had. They were able to take pictures in the following categories:

  1. Show you and your buddies performing an amazing physical feat (sports or otherwise).
  2. Best team selfie (includes all buddies in your group)
  3. Oxymoron: do something in a place where you wouldn’t normally 
  4. do it
  5. Parkour: show off your parkour skills by jumping over an object in style
  6. Get a photo with a Galloway faculty or staff member. Funniest photo wins.
  7. Take a picture of your group doing something unusual in the library (EL library, Portal, or ML/UL Library)
  8. Team up with another group to form a pyramid.
  9. Stage a classic “That’s So Galloway” photograph that admission would love to use.
  10. Read a book somewhere that no one has read before.

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