Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Laurie Halse Anderson

Laurie Halse Anderson with Lily M., 10th grader
We were so honored to welcome Laurie Halse Anderson at Galloway last week. She spoke in the theater to our 8th, 9th and 10th graders. Lily M. gave her a fabulous introduction and had the opportunity to show Laurie the Speak book trailer she made in eighth grade. Laurie autographed a lot of books and spoke personally with many students. She was entertaining, educational, and gracious to everyone she met. Thank you, Little Shop of Stories for sending her our way. See more photos on our Galloway Library Student Center website.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Art in Library

Thank you Ms. Daws and the 7th and 8th Grade Intermediate Fine Arts Class for making our new library book ends. They are currently on display in the library. Soon they will spread out and be placed on the bookshelves where near the books they represent. Come see them in the library or take a look at them on our library web page.

Reading Bowl Teams

The ML Team ready to compete
Galloway had three reading bowl teams compete last Saturday, Jan. 11 in the Fulton County Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl competition. Our elementary team, made up of fourth and fifth graders, took second place and is advancing to the next level of competition. Congratulations to them and Ms. Zupancic! Our ML and UL teams did not win, but they had a great time and read a lot of books. Special thanks to our first-ever UL team for fearlessly taking part in the reading bowl without a lot of coaching. Thank you to Ms. Emmons for co-coaching and Ms. Chapman for volunteering at the competition.

The UL Team