Thursday, March 3, 2016

Where are you reading?

Spring Break is almost here! ML and UL students can enter our annual photo contest.

Here are the details for ML students.

The prizes will be awarded in the following categories: 
1. Most exotic (for photos taken outside of the Atlanta area) 
2. Most creative (for photos taken inside the Atlanta area) 
3. Most interesting people reading in your photo (for photos taken anywhere) 
4,5. Wild cards (chosen by the library staff)

  • In the photo you must be reading a book, magazine, or newspaper (can be on an eReader)
  • You may submit actual photographs, print-outs of digital photos, or JPEG files (we will print them in color) 
  • Photos must be REAL (no digital alterations) 
  • Photos must be turned in to the library by Friday, March 18, 2016 to be considered for prizes 
  • You may enter no more than three photos 
  • Bring them in person or e-mail them to

UL students  can win ENTIRE BOXES OF DOUGHNUTS (!!!) and have slightly different rules. 

1. Most exotic location 
2. Most creative photograph 
3. Coolest person/people in your photo (not counting yourself) 
4. Best PHOTOSHOPPED picture  
5. Wild card (chosen by the library interns)

  • In the photo you must be reading a book, magazine, or newspaper (can be on an eReader)
  • Photos must be REAL (no digital alterations) except for the “Best Photoshopped Picture”
  • Photos must be received by Friday, March 18, 2016 to be considered for prizes 
  • You may enter no more than three photos 

Tweet them to @marciakochel with #gwayspringbreak or
e-mail them to